Keynote Speaking

Jess has been speaking to professional and student audiences for nearly two decades, visiting all 50 states and speaking to audiences ranging from 30 to 3000.

Her favorite topics include women’s empowerment, mindfulness and gratitude and building inclusive and equitable workplaces. She is an award-winning instructional designer and thrives on customizing educational programs and keynote speeches that are specifically tailored to your organization’s unique needs.

Jess is available for in-person and virtual speaking engagements. To get the process started, drop her a note:

What it Takes to Shatter Glass

Have you ever wondered what it takes to shatter glass ceilings and ascend to the highest levels of leadership? Jess did too, so she asked. She has spent the last several years listening and interviewing feeling leaders about their success. In this highly informative and engaging session, Jess unveils the core competencies women need to shatter glass and achieve in their careers.


Good Girl (And other Lies they told)

Embracing Authenticity Despite What We’re Taught As Girls


In a world where societal expectations have long dictated the roles and behaviors of women, it’s time to challenge these limitations and redefine what it truly means to be an empowered and authentic individual. The keynote “Good Girl (And Other Lies They Told)” takes a bold and insightful look at the conditioning society imposes on girls from a young age, urging them to be compliant, self-sacrificing, and confined to narrow stereotypes.

Don’t Get Sucked into the Female Leadership Vortex

Women on their journey to leadership are often faced with a difficult choice: focus on your career or build a life and/or family you desire. As a result, most women feel like they have to “give up” something. You can’t “have it all”, but you can build the life you truly want. Jess guides women through practices to live their lives fully with no regrets.

Finding Confidence (For Real)

Confidence isn’t loving yourself. Confidence comes from knowing yourself. The problem is that most people are terrible judges of their own performance abilities and how they are perceived by others. In this thought-provoking conversation, Jess guides you through tiny shifts to know yourself and develop greater confidence.

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